Nabil Absi

Professor and Head of the Department of Manufacturing Sciences and Logistics (SFL)

Mines Saint-Etienne
Microelectronics Center in Provence (CMP)
Department of Manufacturing Sciences and Logistics (SFL)

Campus Georges Charpak Provence
880, route de Mimet, F-13541 Gardanne France
E-mail : absi[at]
+33 (0)4 42 61 66 56


Research Interests
  • Production Planning, Lot-sizing
  • Transportation, Vehicle routing
  • Discrete Optimization
  • Discrete-Event Simulation
  • RFID in Supply Chain and Health Care Applications
Internship/PhD Proposals
Research Projects

Current Projects:
  • AGIRE Project (2019-2023) (Coordinator for the ENSM-SE: Nabil Absi) - Aide à la Gestion Intelligente des Ressources dans les Entrepôts (in collaboration with INOCS (Centrale Lille), SPLOTT (IFSTTAR) and HappyChic). Project funded by ANR (The French National Research Agency).
  • FITS Project (2018-2022) (Coordinator: Nabil Absi) - Flexible and Intelligent Transportation Systems (in collaboration with EMSE-CIS, UCA). Project funded by ANR (The French National Research Agency).
Completed Projects:
  • EVERS Project (2015-2019) - Electric vehicle routing and scheduling challenges within urban logistic (in collaboration with LORIA, UTT, KLS OPTIM). Project funded by ANR (The French National Research Agency).
  • 4TRAX Project (2013-2017) (Coordinator for the ENSM-SE: Nabil Absi) - Impacts of auto-ID technologies on container logistics (in collaboration with TRAXENS, MGI, GREENMODAL, CMA-CGM). Project funded by the FUI (Fonds Unique Interministériel).
  • PAC Project (2012-2014) (Coordinator for the ENSM-SE: Dominique Feillet) - Services for purchase transportation in city centers "Portage d’Achats en Centre Ville" (in collaboration with CRETLOG, Cluster PACA Logistique, MGI). Project funded by the PREDIT (programme of research, experimentation and innovation in land transport).
  • MODUM Project (2011-2014) (Coordinators: Dominique Feillet for the ENSM-SE and Nabil Absi for ARMINES-CMP) - Mutualisation et Optimisation de la Distribution Urbaine de Marchandises (in collaboration with Laboratoire d'Economie des Transports (Université Lyon 2), le Laboratoire Ville Mobilité et Transport (Ecole des Ponts) and le Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris Nord (Université Paris 13)). Project funded by ANR (The French National Research Agency).
  • GPMM Project (2012-2013) GPMM Long-term forecasting of container traffic flows in Marseille. Project funded by GPMM (Grand Port Maritime de Marseille).
  • TraceDeTIC Project (2010-2013) (Coordinator for the ENSM-SE: Nabil Absi) - Impacts of RFID technologies on Waste Management (in collaboration with Telecom Paristech). Project funded by ADEME (French Environment and Energy Management Agency).
  • GEOCOLIS Project (2008-2013) (Coordinator for the ENSM-SE: Dominique Feillet)- (in collaboration with Toshiba TEC). Project funded by the FUI (Fonds Unique Interministériel).
  • PAC ID DASRI Project (2009-2010) (Coordinator for the ENSM-SE: Nabil Absi) (in collaboration with the CHU (Teaching Hospital) of Nice and Gap Hygiène Santé). Project funded by the PACA region and the European Union (F.E.D.E.R).
  • MISTRALS Project (2007-2010) (Coordinator for the ENSM-SE: Nabil Absi)- Mutualisation Informatique des Systèmes Technologiques pour la Recherche pharmaceutique et La Santé (in collaboration with the CHU (Teaching Hospital) of Nice and the Institut Paoli-Calmettes). Project funded by the General Council of Bouches-du-Rhône (CG-13) and the DGCIS (The Directorate General for Competitiveness, Industry and Service).
  • ESPRIT Project (2010-2011) (Coordinator for the ENSM-SE: Stéphane Dauzère-Pérès) - Etude d'un Système de PRévision de l'activité Intermodale d'un Terminal (in collaboration with Marseille Gyptis International and the CRET-LOG).
  • COOL Project (2011-2012) Green Lot-sizing (Partners: LIP6, Laboratoire G-SCOP). Funded by the CNRS.
  • GDR-RO Project (2009-2011) Lot sizing avec prise en compte de contraintes environnementales (Partners: LIP6, Laboratoire G-SCOP). Funded by the CNRS.
  • GDR-RO Project (2007-2008) Lot-sizing with service contraints (Partners: LIP6, Ecole des Mines de Nantes). Funded by the CNRS.
  • PLUME Project (2010-2011) (Coordinator: Dominique Feillet) - Plates-formes en centre-ville pour la Logistique Urbaine : étude sur la ville de Marseille (in collaboration with SOGARIS and Jonction), Project funded by the PREDIT (programme of research, experimentation and innovation in land transport).

    Video of the PREDIT PLUME software

PhD Students (Co-advisor)

Current PhD students:
  • Diana Abi-Nader (2020- 2023) (Co-Advisors: Dominique Feillet and Thierry Garaix) - CIFRE DMS Logistics.
    • Title: L'Intelligence Artificielle pour l'optimisation de la logistique portuaire.
  • Jean Jodeau (2020- 2023) (Co-Advisors: Dominique Feillet and Rémy Chevrier) - CIFRE SNCF.
    • Title: Optimisation de système de transports mixtes en zones peu denses.
  • Thibault Prunet (2020- 2023) (Co-Advisors: Valeria Borodin and Diego Cattaruzza) - AGIRE Project.
    • Title: Human-aware tactical planning problems in warehouse management.
  • Malek Abbassi (2019- 2022) (Co-Advisors: Lamjed Ben Said and Abir Chaabani) - Cotutelle Université de Tunis.
    • Title: Bi-level Multi-Objective Optimization problems using Evolutionary Algorithms.
  • Maxime Agius (2019- 2022) (Co-Advisors: Dominique Feillet and Thierry Garaix) - FITS Project.
    • Title: Equity in mobility systems for home services.
Previous PhD students:
  • Elodie Suzanne (2017- April 2021) (Co-Advisor: Valeria Borodin).
    • Title: Planning operations for end-of-life products.
  • Sébastien Beraudy (2017- September 2020) (Co-Advisor : Stéphane Dauzère-Pérès) - Project PRODUCTIVE 4.0
    • Title: New approaches for large scale multi-setup production planning problems.
  • Quentin Christ (2016- January 2019) (Co-Advisor : Stéphane Dauzère-Pérès) - CIFRE STMicroelectronics.
    • Title: Dynamic fab capacity modelling for the supply chain planning optimisation.
  • Hamza Ben Ticha (2014- November 2017) (Co-Advisors : Alain Quilliot and Dominique Feillet)
    • Title: Vehicle routing problems with road-network information.
  • Mehdi Rowshannahad (2012- May 2015) (Co-Advisor : Stéphane Dauzère-Pérès) - CIFRE SOITEC.
    • Title: Qualication Management and Closed-Loop Production Planning in Semiconductor Manufacturing.
  • Diego Cattaruzza (2011- April 2014) (Co-Advisor : Dominique Feillet) - MODUM project.
    • Title: "Vehicle routing for city logistics".
  • Lobna Haouari (2008- December 2012) (Co-Advisor : Dominique Feillet) - GEOCOLIS project.
    • Title: "Modeling and simulation of the introduction of RFID technologies in configuration to order systems.
  • Sylvain Housseman (2007- April 2011) (Co-Advisor : Dominique Feillet) - MISTRALS project.
    • Title: "Modeling and Decision Support for the introduction of RFID technologies in Healthcare".
  • Aysegul Sarac (2006- April 2010) (Co-Advisor : Stéphane Dauzère-Pérès)
    • Title: "Modeling and Decision Support for the introduction of RFID technologies in supply chains".

Administrative responsibilities
  • Head of the department of Manufacturing Sciences and Logistics (SFL) (since 2020)
  • Management of the ISMIN third year specialty ITS "Information Technologies and Supply Chain" (since 2013)
  • Management of the Master Degree in Industrial Engineering for the ISMIN ITS Students (since 2013)
  • Algorithmics and programming
  • Operations Research (Graph Theory and Complexity)
  • Production Planning and Scheduling
  • Supply Chain Management and Information and Communications Technologies
Instances and results

An iterative two-phase heuristic approach for the Production Routing Problem (2015)
The stochastic discrete berth allocation problem (2018)
  • Generalization of (Cordeau et al. 2005) instances [Download]

The Time-Dependent Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows and Road-Network Information (2020)
Lot-sizing for industrial symbiosis (2021)